The Turkish Community organized a story writing competition for Afyon Kocatepe University students in order to discover new writers and reward their works. The jury of the competition consists of academicians from the Turkish Education Department of the Faculty of Education. Applications for the competition for AKÜ students who want to make their writings heard and are interested in language and literature continue until 07.03.2025. Applications will be made to akuturkcetopluluğ Detailed information can be found on the competition poster and the Turkish Community’s social media addresses.

At the end of the competition, various prizes will be given to the winners:

1500 TL
1250 TL
750 TL
Honorable Mention: 500 TL

Jury Special Prize: 500 TL

Competition schedule:

Last application date: 07.03.2025

Results announced: 15.03.2025

Award Ceremony: 19.03.2025 / AKÜ Faculty of Education Abdullah Kaptan Conference Hall

21 February 2025, Friday 24 kez görüntülendi